Thursday, November 6, 2014

Month of Gratitude, and Beyond

Happy November! We all know what that means--Thanksgiving! Lots of good food, family, fun. But how often do we forget the reason behind it? Thanksgiving started as a celebration and a gesture of gratitude from the Pilgrims to the Indians for helping them survive a difficult winter. Now most of us have more than enough to celebrate. Perhaps a lot of you have a tradition of listing things on Thanksgiving that you are grateful for. But what about the rest of the year?

This month of November, I want to invite each of you to think of something you're grateful for every single day of the month, not just on Thanksgiving. And perhaps write it down somewhere. Maybe start a gratitude journal. The act of doing so will help you realize that there is a lot to be grateful for every single day, and it doesn't have to wait until that one Thursday each year, surrounded by food, to be expressed. As you develop an attitude of gratitude for everything you have, even the little things, you will be happier. I promise. And I'll do it, too.

Good luck! Happy Gratitude Month!

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